The following are some checklist items that can be used when writing song lyrics.
Adheres to one of the most successful song structures
Has an interesting title and idea
Has a universal theme – not too personal for others to relate to
Makes the singer look good
Has verse lyrics that clearly lead to the title
Contains one focused idea
Evokes one emotion
Maintains one consistent tense
Uses correct pronouns
Contains opening lines that “grab” the listener and set the emotional tone
Maintains one consistent tone and style throughout
Uses fresh imagery
Sounds Conversational
Avoids Clichés
Is not redundant Second verse adds new information
Doesn’t preach
Doesn’t “tell” how the singer feels – the listener feels it
The bridge (if applicable) adds a new angle
Each line logically flows from the previous line and into the following line
Employs rhymes in appropriate place
Has a title that “pays off”